
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is Beauty?

I have learned that Hollywood wants Angelina Jolie to play Cleopatra in the remake. Now, you the know the original Hollywood movie Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra. Well, either way, I'm mad that a Caucasian woman is playing an African woman. It's not right. Why can't the truth be told for once? What does Hollywood have to hide?

African-American woman have a hard enough time seeing nothing but Caucasian women all over the magazines, and now they want to play the most powerful woman and last Pharaoh in the world. So, only Caucasian women are the most beautiful women in the world? I think not! Look at Mrs. Obama. She is not only a beautiful woman, but a great mom and a powerful and successful lawyer.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But you know what is really funny. Some Caucasian women go and get tans, butt implants, breast enhancements, and collagen in their lips to look just like us, but they always talk about us and always hating on us. Everybody in the world copies everything African-Americans do like the fist bump, the way we dress, the way we talk, but never give us the credit.

Paul Mooney said that we as a generation are programmed to see and think certain things. Hollywood has prolonged the programming. To me, I like Angelina Jolie as an actress, but she shouldn't play this role. She has not confirmed that she would play the part. She should think twice about who she portrays. She should want to tell the truth and not use this film as politics in the Hollywood community.

It took the Academy 75 years to give an Oscar to an African-American actress. Its a shame and it will be a shame if a Caucasian woman plays an African woman. Cleopatra was the most powerful woman in the world one time and Hollywood feel that she should be a Causaian woman because she had that great power. Egypt in right smack in the middle of Africa. I'm tired of people thinking Egypt is separate from Africa. So, now the brainwashing of what and who is beautiful is never going to go away. This generation of African-American girls and the next will continue to have self-esteem issues.

So, is beauty really in the eyes of the beholder? What do you think? I would love to know.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I haven't done a post in a while. I have been going through some changes. The first chnage, I have always vowed I will never get married. I have been through rough relationships and I was on the edge of being too tired to care and just giving up. So, now I want to get married when the time comes.

My relationship with God is getting stronger and I have become more wiser. I really could care less about what people think of me. I have been through hell and back and I don't give a damn if you say, "Look, at what she's wearing!" Or "I can't believe she said that!" Well, if you don't want to know truth, then that is your damn problem.

Everyone has their drama, either family or other stuff. For me, I learned when there is drama approaching me, I just walk away. I can't get into the he said/ she said game. No one wins and everyone ends up mad at the one random person who didn't even witness the drama. Also, if you are all about drama, just don't come around me. I have enough problems of my own.

Lastly, I work with kids and it has been a humbling experience. I haven't had a job and about two years and God has placed me in a place where I feel I'm not equip for. I don't have kids of my own yet, so I feel at times out of place. But I have learned real quick about some kids. If you let your kid do anything he/she wants to do, then when they get to school him/her is a hand full. You can't expect your kid's teacher to teach him/her the abc's and discipline at the same time. It all starts at home.

Well, thanks for letting me say my piece. Let me know how you are improving. I would love to know.