
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Resurrection

Every year we, for the people who follow Jesus Christ, are giving another chance to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection means something different to each and every one of us. Let me tell you what Jesus' life and resurrection mean to me.

When I was growing up, I was raised in the church. We didn't go to church 24/7 but I was there often enough to have it make an impression on me. Since I was different, have a heart problem, many people bullied me and I started second guessing why God put me on earth. I used to be really angry as to why I couldn't be like a normal person and be able to breathe. With all the physical pain I went through, I used to think maybe God hated me. Maybe I did something to God and he is angry at me. I was so confused and hurt for a long time even though I continued to go to church.

Once I saw the movie The Passion of Christ, I realized just how much more physical pain and ridicule Jesus went through than me. He died so that I will never have to sacrifice an animal every time I sin. I can go to him whenever I want and he will always understand me more than anyone else. He loves me so much that he gave his life for me.

Since he loved me that much, I participated in lent this year. Lent is the Christian tradition: preparation of the believer through prayer, repentance, alms giving, and self-denial. Many Christians give up food or just meat. Since, I can't give up food, I gave up all the thing I most like to do. Now, I have a stronger bond with him and my mind is so clear. I can make the best informed decisions for me.

Last Easter, I spent it burying my grandma and I will never forget it. Four years before that my uncle past around this time, too. I could have ended up hating Easter, but I understand that when it is your time to go, its your time. They are in a better place now, the best place! I have learned to keep living because my life isn't over with, yet. I have also learned that life is precious and you must not take it for granted.

So, this Easter I will be with my family enjoying everyone. I'm looking forward for church, fellowship, and of course the food! Having a relationship with Jesus, makes me want to be a better person. I hope this Easter you enjoy your family and also remember what the resurrection is all about.

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