
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tribute to Grandma Carter

On Wednesday March 24th at 6:00am my grandma Carter passed away in her sleep. Since then, I have been unable to sleep and have been crying all day everyday. This Friday and Saturday my family and I celebrated the life of my grandma. Friday was the last time I would see my grandma and I didn't really recognize her because she had lost a lot of weight. The only way I knew it was my grandma because of her bangs.

I'm going to miss my grandma, but I have a lot of memories I would like to share with you all. I still have the green and white blanket she made for me when I was born. I also want to thank-you her for all the praying she did for me. If it wasn't for the praying of my grandma Carter and her church family & my grandma DuBerry and her church family, I would not be here right now. My grandma was a God fearing woman and she always had an encourage word to say to you. She never judged and she accepted everyone.

I was very close to my grandma Carter. I talked to her every weekend. When I was in college, I would talk to her when I had study breaks and she would always encourage me. I didn't want to always call my parents because I wanted to seem responsible and be independent. She would tell me to stay focused, she was proud of me, and that she loved me.

What I will always remember is her laugh. She always laughed like she enjoyed life and she had nothing to complain about. She was the best cook. She would make these rolls that would just melt in your mouth. I will always remember that she had a sweet tooth, I think that's where I got mine from. I remember one time when I went to visit her she said to me, "Tameika, are you hungry? I got some food in there for you baby." She had made food for an army. She had baked chicken, greens, potatoes, stuffing, and peach cobbler. I said, "Grandma, you made a whole Christmas dinner. You know there is only the two of us, right?" She laughed. Then I said, "But I can eat" and she just laughed.

Then one day a 205(Alabama area code) number called me. It wasn't a number I recognized, but I picked up anyway. Someone said, "Hello." Then I said, "Grandma? Is that you?" She said, "Yea baby, its me. I'm calling you from my cell phone." Stunned I said, "Cell phone? Who got you a cell phone grandma?" With her joyous laugh my grandma replied, "Your Uncle Ted. Don't forget to save it on your phone."

I loved my grandma Carter so much. I will never forget her. She taught me how to love people for who they are and never judge because you really don't know what a person has been through. My grandma was loved by many and at her funeral the church was packed. I pray to God I hope in my lifetime I will have touched the lives of people like my grandma Carter. I know my grandma is in a better place and when she reached the pearly gates God said to her, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"


  1. Im so sorry to hera the loss of your grandmother. From reading your tribute to her you and her had a very close relationship. she sound like someone who was loving, caring, cheerful altruistic and very understanding. I know that you miss he sister, but she is resting in a better place now.My condonces goes out to you and your family. I love you and I will keep you in my prayers....koro

  2. This is a wonderful tribute to your grandmother.

  3. ooo that was so sweet
