
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dancing Movie

Last night when I went to the movies, I saw the previews for Step Up in 3D. I'm so happy for another dance movie, but I'm also annoyed about the movie, too. The main characters are all white actors that can dance. Now, I have no problem with people showing their talents and getting accolades, but how come Hollywood does not hire black actors who can dance? I'm so tired of seeing other races of people get the awards for their talents, while African-Americans are behind the scenes showing them how to bring their talents out. We can be the choreographers and the back up dancers, but we can't be the main characters? What is wrong with this picture.

It seems as though things have not changed. Yes, there are movies like Stompin' the Yard, You Got Served, and Electric Boogalo, but there should be more. It takes me back to the Bojangles and the Nicholas Brothers days. Mr. Bojangles was a great tap dancer, but was unable to be a main character in movies because he was an African-American. It was also a way for African-American not to get any type of power in Hollywood. The Nicholas Brothers were better dancers than Fred Astaire, but Mr. Astaire has had more accolades and is more famous than them.

I'm hoping that Hollywood will change soon. Or maybe they will not. What do you think?

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