
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can Women Get Along With Each Other?

I want to talk about a subject that has been on my mind for a while. Now, I'm no prissy chick, I love my sports and just chillin. The one thing I can't understand since elementary school is that some girls/women just can't get along with other girls/women. I always couldn't figure out why many girls at school hated me. I mean they hated me to a point where I didn't even want to go to school and I started hating myself. As, I have grown up I realized so many things about other women, it seems funny.

To me, I think some women are very caddy to one another. Its as if one has to bite the shit out of all the other pups just to be called the "top bitch." Some feel we(women) all have to look one way just to be called beautiful. If we look too eccentric,then we are the black sheep of the group.The other thing I observed is, once we are in a group, we become very clickish. One chick is the dominate and she becomes the head of the group. The other chicks seem to have no opinion of their own and just seem to think the exact way of the dominate. Its as if the dominate is held up on a pedestal.

Now, when men get into the equation, its like we as women are going in for our last meal.We do all these crazy things to look a certain way, for other women? Its like women want you to love to hate them. She wants you to look at her and think,"Yes, I have a man, but I can also get your man,too." Everything is a competition. We poke our chest out, walk around with much arrogance, and we are oblivious to the world around us. Why do we have to look as though we are desperate to get a man? Why do we have to always chase our friends man? Why do we feel the need to make one woman look bad just to get a man?

To me, I think that women can get along, just as soon as some women start feeling defensive towards one another. I think we as women can get along as soon as we realize that having a man is not everything in life. I think, women can get along. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. this is a really interesting topic..I think woman can get along with each other but there's always that hidden competitiveness I think that's always there. And like you said they also tend to be very click-ish..but I think its all in the attitude of the I also think it has to do with the general upbringing as well.
