The other day I was watching this video on high school kids talking horribly about one another. Its the age old duel of dark skinned people vs. light skinned people. WTF? Its 2011 and we still are hating on each other. African-Americans are the only race who hate on each other no apparent reasons. We seem not to want to help each other because of fear the other person will get higher up on the chain of life.
We have taken what the slave master has done and said to divide us and we have kept the division. During slavery, the slave masters would breed us like animals because we were seen as property and even treated worse than animals. Slave masters would rape us and once the mixed children arrived, they would divide us by color so we wouldn't communicate with each other. They called us black back then, meaning evil, so that we can feel and think we are inferior to them.
During the Civil Rights Era, we really learned how to stick together as a race. We trusted one another and if a person was lacking, we would make sure there was help around the corner. Now, we just act as though the civil rights era didn't exist. Some of us walk around as though we don't have any home training. We cuss, argue, and murder each other at a drop of a dime. Though every race gets their language, style, music, everyday living items, etc...from us, they are laughing at us.
We need to change our way of thinking. Here are some ways:
(1) Children do not see color, they are taught to see it.---We need to show our children that every race and color needs to be accepted. No one color or race is greater.
(2) We, African-Americans, need to learn how to love one another.---We are not each other's enemy. We have to learn how to stick together. For example, I never see a Jewish-American hate on another Jewish-American. They would actually help the other get a job or help the other out spiritually and emotionally.
(3) We also need to learn how to respect one another.---When I was growing up, you couldn't talk back with out getting the tate slapped out of your mouth. We need to teach these kids who are having babies how to raise their children. Don't think that once your teenager birth's a child you are done raising your child. Don't let them fend on their own.
(4) We need to get our focus back on God and not on who has the most money. We need to learn how to love ourselves.
So, in ending, God didn't make us to hate one another and/or ourselves. Be grateful for your life and don't take it for granted.
P.S.- If you want to see the video here it goes:
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