
Monday, March 15, 2010

Hollywood Too Thin?

I'm so annoyed that Hollywood tells women the only way to be successful in the world you have to be a white woman with blonde hair, big boobs, straight teeth, and be the size of a tooth pick. I'm so far from that. I'm an African-American woman who stands at 5'1"and 130 pounds. I wouldn't be able to be a model because I'm too short and if I were to be a model, I would be a plus size model. I don't have a problem with the plus size, I have a problem about Hollywood having problems about being healthy. In reality, no one really looks that way.

I'm also annoyed how some men feel that if a woman do not look like the women on tv or in the movies, they will not talk to you. Are they that superficial? Some men feel they can look any old way, like they don't think a woman wouldn't want them to look good at all. Why can't a guy like you for you and not for someone whose looks will eventually fade away.

I love the way Gaboury Sidibe sees herself. She says, ""They [the press] try to paint the picture that I was this downtrodden, ugly girl who was unpopular in school and in life and then I got this role and now I'm awesome, but the truth is that I've been awesome, and then I got this role." So, Jessica Simpson said this about Sidibe,"She walked the red carpet at the Oscars and she owned it. She had such confidence and I absolutely 100 percent think she could get anything in the world she wants." If only every woman in the world had the confidence of Sidibe.

So, as women try every diet to look good for society, try to think about looking good for yourself. Show yourself how great you are and will be when you focus your mind. Hollywood needs to tell the world the truth and this way many women will not die trying to look like the women on tv or in the movies.

Look at this. Sidibe is at the end: (repost this)


  1. Confidence is inward for sure. It is not what is on the outside at all. There have been women I thought could get any man that she wanted only to learned she seemed to worry more about being liked than someone who was outwardly less attractive. smh Hollywood needs to quit it.
